Catherine's Boudoir Session
Catherine never missed a beat of bravery. She stepped right into every crazy pose with the confidence I hope we all can find in ourselves. I am so thankful to her for not only letting me share her images but also doing the short video testimonial below.
Jenna's Boudoir Session
“This year I have had a lot of changes, and I wanted something to celebrate that I am strong and capable, my boudoir session with Sarah made feel empowered and sexy.”
Gina's Boudoir Session
“I felt so glamorous! What an incredibly empowering gift to myself! I couldn’t be happier with the whole experience, my photos are beautiful.”
Inn on Westwood Boudoir Session, Asheville, NC
Empowerment doesn't come from playing it safe. And let's be honest, Alina was the one being really brave here. She completely rocked her session and looks like a tattooed goddess.