Not Grandpa Boudoir

After we did the whole grandpa boudoir styled session, we did some classic boudoir with the same muse. Unless you come in to your session wanting something more out of the box or with a very specific styling idea, we do classic boudoir that looks similar to this.
After we did the grandpa boudoir styled session, we did some classic boudoir with the same muse. Unless you come in to your session wanting something more out of the box or with a very specific styling idea, we do classic boudoir that looks similar to this.
This time my idea was “grandpa boudoir.” It all started from seeing the little holsters that hold up trouser socks. I thought they were kindof hot. So I styled a whole shoot around them.
This client came years ago to do a boudoir session for her then partner. She is now thankfully free and single and did a second session just for herself. At the end of the session, we went to the top of the nearby parking garage and yelled at the top of our lungs just to celebrate.
I delved deep into the world of fantasy lately. I’ve been reading lots of books (ACOTAR, Fourth WIng, etc..), and I’m even doing a whole workout program with a sword. So, of course, I had to do a fantasy boudoir session with that sword.
Trying to envision yourself doing a boudoir session? Or wondering what sets are available? Here are some photos of our downtown Asheville boudoir studio to help you visualize it!
There’s actually no wrong way to do photography because it is art. So I leaned into experimenting with blurry grainy images and wound up having an amazing time.
It’s been a little while since I made a new studio set. I did love the blue wall that used to be here, but it felt a bit too plain. My new Mid Century Hollywood design solves several problems for me.
Recently, we’ve been dreaming of doing more editorial-style boudoir sessions. We started off with an idea to use chains in a session.
I’ve always enjoyed hiking, and it’s a huge part of why I moved to Asheville, NC. Most of my boudoir sessions have been indoors, but I want to be taking advantage more often of all the gorgeous mountain areas surrounding us!
I get asked a lot if Virago does couples boudoir, and yes we do! In couples sessions, we get to focus on celebrating your relationship and all the unique and beautiful ways you love each other. And you deserve to have those moments photographed.
Exciting news for photographers! I’m hosting a styled shoot on February 18, 2023 at my studio in downtown Asheville, NC.
A couple weeks ago, I got some new BDSM style props that I wanted to use in a session. I put out a call in my Badass Babes Facebook group for someone to do a session with the props…and let me share the photos.
When this gorgeous human, Nikki, asked us to do a Corpse Bride themed session, we jumped at the opportunity! We love doing out of the box creative sessions!
I recently got to do this session just for fun, to play around, and to create some portfolio images, and I love them! While Corina is absolutely gorgeous, and should be a model, she is not one, so I guided her through the session like I do all my clients.